To be Number One in coal mining and production of coal related products at the least cost in the region.

To provide competitive coal and coal related solutions to our customers using modern and efficient production

Our chosen strategy out of various available options (i.e Growth, Consolidation, Stability and Decline) is a Growth
strategy. The Corporate Directional Growth Strategy is underpinned by the pursuance of a market penetration and
cost leadership strategy at business level. The growth will be realised through volumes, value and profitability.

Our core values define who we are, lead us, direct us, guide us, strengthen us and sets us apart from the competition.
They govern the manner in which we do business and will not be compromised as we seek greater profitability. Hence these values form the basis for the enduring positive growth of our company. We value the following;
The safety of our employees is top priority and pivotal to our success. We ensure employees understand the
Company’s Safety credo and practise safe working practices. We continually provide employees with adequate safety
equipment and knowledge in order for them to work safely.
We believe innovation is key for business growth, survival and excellence. We value individuals that innovate, hence,
we are open to ideas that challenge the norm and drive innovation.
We recognise efficiency as vital to our business hence we strive to achieve the highest levels of efficiency at all times
and at all levels of the business. Therefore, we strive to manage resources while delivering at appropriate costs,
speed and quality.
We have a rich mix of interrelated competencies from which we derive our competitive advantage, which also forms
the future development of our company. Hence, we ensure we have the right people with the right skills in the right jobs doing the right things.
Team Work
We value teamwork and the synergies that come from the ability to work together efficiently and effectively for a
common purpose.
We value the quick translation of strategic and operational decisions into action. We effectively link our goals, people,and work processes while following through and ensuring accountability.

Our chosen strategy out of various available options (i.e Growth, Consolidation, Stability and Decline) is a Growth strategy. The Corporate Directional Growth Strategy is underpinned by the pursuance of a market penetration and cost leadership strategy at business level. The growth will be realised in both volumes and profitability.

Our values define who we are and set us apart from the competition. As we conduct our business, we are always guided by the need to act responsibly in our operations at all times. This involves ensuring a sustainable operation, focusing on the continued uplift of the communities where we operate, and legal compliance. We value the following;

  • Safety
    The safety of our employees is top priority and pivotal to our success. We ensure employees understand the Company’s Safety credo and practise safe working practices. We continually provide employees with adequate safety equipment and knowledge in order for them to work safely.
  • Productivity and Performance
    We have a clear vision where we want to go and how to get there. We focus our resources to achieve set objectives/goals. However, we understand that our people and not plant or machinery are the lasting source of competitive edge. We therefore continually monitor their productivity/output and performance to ensure they deliver to expectations.
  • Team Work
    We value teamwork and the synergies that come from the ability to work together efficiently and effectively for a common purpose.
  • Passion
    We believe that passion and enthusiasm are the ingredients to success. We value individuals who display such attributes towards their work. We believe such individuals are better placed to achieve results than those who are not (opposite).
  • Loyalty
    We value loyal, and dedicated and dependable people. The Company is what it is today, as a result of such individuals who have committed their efforts to the organisation in good and bad times. We believe that the future belongs to such people.
  • Integrity
    We value honesty and integrity. This is what makes us a respectable, credible corporate citizen.
  • Openness
    We value openness and transparency in all our dealings with stakeholders.
  • Continuous Improvement
    As an organisation we are committed to improvement. We want to continually develop and grow from our present state. We believe in stimulating the creativity and innovation of our employees to come up with better ideas, better ways of doing things, better working methods and equipment that we maintain a competitive edge in the market.